
15 2014

Kahal Am Purim Shabbat

10:30AM - 12:30PM  

Encinitas Community Center 1140 Oakcrest Dr.
CA 92009

Contact Gary Sarnow

The days of dressing up as Queen Esther, Ahasuerus, Mordecai, and Haman to celebrate Purim are over. Enter the enlightened world of the megillah, the Purim tale, adapted to become social and political allegory. Many find the Purim shpiel to be a perfect vehicle to explore current issues in society through humor. Madrikha Beverly will lead a discussion that of these parodies.The Purim celebration will include music by soloist Janet Hammer and an oneg including the holiday treat, hamantashen. It is traditional at Purim to provide sweets in gift baskets called shalach manot. People are encouraged to bring healthy treats and nonperishable food for Jewish Family Service food drive in the spirit of the holiday