
25 2014

Kahal Am Shabbat

10:30AM - 11:00AM  

Encinitas Community Center 1140 Oakcrest Dr.
CA 92009

Contact Gary Zarnow

Prepare to welcome an outstanding leader we celebrate Shabbat with Rabbi Eva Goldfinger, from Oraynu Congregation in Toronto, Canada. She will join us for a stimulating Sabbath morning of celebration, music, and interactive readings. In addition, Rabbi Goldfinger will discuss the role of humor in Jewish culture. As she explains, “This is not about telling jokes. It’s about understanding the different types of humor Jews have used throughout the ages and what we can learn psychologically, sociologically and historically about the Jewish community and the cultures that impact upon it from their humor.” Rabbi Eva has been a foundational member of the Humanistic Jewish movement for three decades, providing guidance, education, and encouragement to congregations all over North America. Soloist Janet Hammer will lead the music and an oneg will be offered